Arte is for our artists that create (or improve) and manage your online presence through advertising and creative services.

Our creative team is made up of professional artists who have evolved and stay on the cutting edge of their digital presence (Website, Applications and Digital Development), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Channels and emerging technologies. We find artists can authentically engage your audience on a minimum budget. Let us be your voice. We can help to position your product or service, maximize your exposure and crate platform that stands out from your competition.

The Background

Among the oldest forms of performing arts originating back to the Greeks and Romans, “commedia dell’arte” was coined in the Italian Renaissance for the improvisational performers in the marketplace that would improvise shows or scenarios.  They were buskers that would lay down their hat for people to pay what they felt their performance was worth or what they could. These archetypes of the human condition have survived for centuries from the fools such as Arlechinno (or the Harlequinn), the Lovers or the stereotypical Old Miser Pantalone, The Doctor or Capitano have made their way into various cultures around the world.

This cultural phenomenon migrated to the rest of the world greatly influencing the British and the French and came to America in the form of Vaudeville.  20th Century Commedia can be from The Three Stooges, Charlie Chaplin and Laurel and Hardy in the first days of film to Punch & Judy, The Animaniacs and Seinfeld into the world of television.

As we entered the 21st Century we do our part keeping the art form alive with Commedia dell’Carte and have adapted our talents for the digital renaissance.

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